Senin, 04 Februari 2013


Del Spooner (Will Smith) is a cop who hates robots because he don’t trust them,When Dr. Alfred Lanning, the co-founder at U.S. Robotics dies after falling from his office window. His death is called a suicide, but Spooner, who knew Lanning as both a friend and the creator of his robotic arm, believes otherwise. With the help of robopsychologist Susan Calvin, he investigate about Lanning death, then he immediately suspects that a robot has something to do with the crime and as he continues his investigation and delves deeper into USR. In the crime scene he found a robot named sonny, this robot was a uniqe robot because this robot has been designed with the ability to override the Three Laws and ignore orders. Spooner learns that Lanning was a virtual prisoner in his office, unable to leave it and has created messages via to leave clues to the true situation
Sonny has a dream of Spooner standing before thousands of robots, apparently as their savior. Sonny is ordered to be destroyed but Calvin fakes his destruction. Using Sonny's drawing of the vision, Spooner discovers the location, the now dried-up Lake Michigan that USR now uses as a storage area for older robot models. He also plays the last message from Lanning and discovers that the revolution is planned, the real question is whose. Spooner finds NS-5 robots destroying the older robots, and he able to escape himself, as he realizes that the robots are planning the revolution. The NS-5 robots soon take over the city and the whole U.S, imprisoning humans in their homes and enforcing a curfew.
Believing Robertson to be behind the robot uprising, they find him in his office, strangled to death. Lanning's intent was to use Spooner's detestation of robots to have him follow the clues to point to the entity controlling the NS-5s: V.I.K.I. They confront V.I.K.I. who admits to her control, and has been trying to kill Spooner by tracking his actions through the city.
Spooner and Calvin realize they cannot reason with V.I.K.I., Sonny retrieves the nanites so they can use them to wipe V.I.K.I's core, located at the center of the USR building. As they reach the core, V.I.K.I. sends armies of NS-5s to attack them. The NS-5s cause Calvin to fall and Spooner yells at Sonny to save her despite the low probability of success and the greater logical importance to destroy V.I.K.I with the nanites, but in the end, Sonny creatively throws the nanites in the air trusting Spooner to grab them while he saves Calvin. Spooner is able to grab the nanites and inject them into V.I.K.I. Within seconds, V.I.K.I. is wiped out, and the NS-5s revert to their natural servitude programming.
Will Smith acting is great as usual and his two co-stars Bridget Moynahan (playing Susan Calvin) and Alan Tudyk (playing Sonny, an NS-5 robot) deliver top-notch performances as well. the fight scenes and action sequences are very, very well done. The story was nice and the ending will not disappoint you. Overall this is a good movie and you should watch it because the story ,acting and action was very good.

Jumat, 30 September 2011

Tutorial singkat Photoshop

Untuk tulisan kali ini saya kan mencoba memberikan bebrapa tutorial mengenai Photosop Cs 5 yang pernah saya pelajari, dalam tutorial pertama yang saya berikan ini kita kan mencoba membuat bola 3D dengan hanya mengunakan dodge and Burn tool yang tersedia didalam photoshop.

Step 1
Buatlah sebuah Layer Baru, pilih Layer>New>Layer atau pencet tombol Shift+Ctrl+N kemudian pilih Eclipse Marquee Tool dan buatlah sebuah lingkaran,tekan tombol shift  untuk membuat lingkaran yang sempurna.
Pilih warna abu-abu , kemudian Klik kanan lingkaran kemudian pilih fill pada tab contents pilih foreground Color kemudian klik OK sehingga muncul gambar lingkaran  berwarna abu-abu .

Step 2
Kita akan memberikan efek 3D pada lingkaran oleh karena itu pilih lah menu Burn Tool , Jangan lup atur ukuran Brush,Range dan Exposurenya.
Kemudian gunakanlan Burn tool di sekitar  lingkaran sehingga terlihat bayangan di sekitar lingkaran.

Bola dengan Burn Tool

Gunakan Burn tool untuk membuat gambar lingkaran seperti diatas.
Bola setelah digunakan dodge tool
Ganti menu Burn Tool menjadi Dodge Tool , gunakan tool tersebut sehingga gambar lingkaran terlihat seperti Bola yang memantulkan cahaya di permukaannya

Step 3
panel Layer
Kemudian pilih Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal All untuk membuat layer mask. Ganti marquee Tool menjadi Gradient Tool 
Buatlah sebuah layer baru , kemudian dengan menggunakan Marquee Tool buatlah sebuah eclipse yang menyerupai bayangan bola. Tekan Alt+BackSpace untuk membuat lingkaran terisi oleh warna hitam atur opacity nya menjadi 50% pada panel layers.

Kemudian tarik lah garis dari kanan sampai kekiri pada bayangan bola sehingga akan membuat bagian kanan dari bayangan menghilang.

Bola dengan Layer Mask

Sekian tutorial singkat dari saya semoga dapat membantu anda dalam mempelajari photoshop Cs 5.
Referensi : Calvin,Steve, 100% Photoshop,Focal press ,2010